Ten really good things about this week
(10) Getting my taxes paid (see also: simply having enough money to pay my taxes).
(9) Fage yogurt with honey drizzled on top.
(8) No cavities at the dentist on Thursday.
(7) Working from home on Monday. (Folding fresh laundry and listening to Spoon while writing emails. Working from home is like being on vacation.)
(6) This funny Will Farrell video.
(5) Canceling my subscription to Harper's magazine. I know they're a highbrow current events/arts magazine, and I'm pretty sure I deliberately attempted to score some intellectual snob points in the past by leaving a couple of issues casually strewn on the coffee table when friends dropped by. But god, it's so damned bleak. Every time I finished reading an article I just felt sad and bruised. Attention Harper's: I know there's a lot of bad stuff happening in the universe. You do not need to remind me each month. If that makes me a Pollyanna, fine.
(4) Getting back into boot camp. The new session I signed up for is at 6 pm, and that's working out well. This week, it's been great working outside in the park, with beautiful breezes keeping everyone cool. Running around at the park when it's spectacular outside is really fun.
(3) Buying airfare to the beach in June for a long weekend with Kathy and a group of other powerful women. The emails flying around about the trip bear the subject line "Badass Beauties on the Beach." I must say, I don't mind being identified with that group.
(2) Making a conscious decision to approach my work with a more positive attitude. Sure, the concept is in vogue, and it's fairly Oprah-ish. But it's something I need in my work. Maybe positivity is something you learn rather than something you're born with. I could use the practice. I would rather be a positive person than a walking Harper's magazine.
(1) Running into Baton Bob on the street yesterday (see photo). A 6'3" black man wearing a tutu, sparkly majorette boots, twirling a baton. Seeing this guy out there on the street doing his thing just makes me smile. After I took that photo of him, I gave him a very big tip. Please keep doing what you're doing, Baton Bob.
Labels: lists
so glad youve decided to write again:)
By Anonymous, at 3:27 PM
try putting some frozen blackberries and raspberries
in that yogurt and then drizzle honey on it...at least it's awesome for me.
and that baton bob guy rocks.
By Anonymous, at 4:27 PM
Also see Baton Bob in pink:
By jcburns, at 5:34 PM
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